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Skidmore College
Religious and Spiritual Life

Exchange Closet 

Location: Case 206
交换柜位于案例中心的二楼,沿着走廊 在火博体育和参与(207,后门)和伯吉斯咖啡馆附近的自动取款机之间. 
学年的正常时间:周一至周四上午9点至晚*,周五上午9点至 4pm 
*只要我们能保持壁橱干净,晚上的时间将继续有效 and organized. Please help us maintain this resource by hanging up clothes after you try them and leaving donations neatly in bags or boxes. Hours are subject to change and will be updated here. Need to access the Exchange Closet but busy during open hours? Let us know! 提醒:如果你到达后发现门是关着的,试着拉上门把手 - it may not be locked! 
During breaks: 
Thanksgiving Break 2023: Closed 
Winter Break 2023-24: Closed December 16th - January 3rd. Open regular hours beginning January 8th. Need to access the Closet before January 8th? Contact  
Spring Break 2024: Open regular hours
Summer 2024: Open regular hours in June and August. July hours may vary. 
About the Exchange Closet 
Exchange Closet成立于2018年3月,由学生与 Campus Life & Engagement. It was founded with a number of related goals including 无障碍,公平和可持续性,特别强调提供 没有成本、监督、污名或审查障碍的性别确认服装. 目前,壁橱接受并提供新的和温和使用的衣服,鞋子,和 limited accessories (winter hats, ties, some bags and other items). There is also a food shelf that is still very much in the "pilot project" stage. When available 食品货架是指在有限的基础上提供不易腐烂的食品 以及火博体育如何寻求支持以解决当前粮食不安全问题的信息. See the FAQ below for more information or reach out if you have any questions. 

Additional Resources
虽然交换柜是一个很好的资源,但我们知道它不能解决所有问题! 如果你是火博体育的学生需要额外的支持来解决任何紧急情况 经济需求,获得基本生活资源(衣服,住所等),或正在进行 food insecurity, there are many additional resources to help. A good place to start is the Office of the Dean of Students. If you work with a Skidmore group or office that provides relevant resources and would like to be listed here, please let us know. 
如果您是当地居民或员工,在萨拉托加地区寻找资源 one good place to start is LifeWorks Community Action.

在学院开放的正常营业时间内,捐款可以送达 到交换柜(案例206),宗教和精神生活办公室(案例206) 205), or the main Campus Life and Engagement office (Case 207). If you are unable 如果您想在那段时间捐款,请与我们联系,我们可以帮助您安排另一次捐款 time. If possible, please bring your donations in a box or bag that you can leave with the items.

What to donate: 我们目前接受干净的新衣服或轻度使用的衣服,鞋子和一些配件 (winter hats and gloves, scarves, ties). We also have a small shelf for non-perishable 食物,尤其是那些可以让学生快速吃上一顿的食物 a budget (soups, staple ingredients, canned goods).

什么不能捐赠:我们目前没有能力接受家庭用品, most accessories, or toiletries. 如果你在这些类别中有你认为特别有帮助的东西 our community, please ask before donating. 例如,我们偶尔会保留捐赠的XL双床单,如果他们在 excellent condition. 

Where to donate items we do not accept: 同学们,请留意不同办公室和学生团体安排的交换活动 throughout the year and for the Give and Go program at the end of every Spring Semester. The Sustainable Saratoga website 维护一个火博体育如何捐赠、重用、修复和回收的建议列表 a wide range of items. Always check to see if an organization is accepting your particular type of donations before dropping things off. Questions about partnering with local 寻找捐赠物品的机构也可以直接联系米歇尔·哈布斯, Associate Director of Civic Engagement,

Specific Requests as of February 2023

Things we could use more of:
  • Clothes, any range of styles and adult sizes, or larger youth sizes
  • Winter coats and jackets of all kinds
  • Men's or masculine clothing (whatever that means to you!) of all shapes and sizes 
  • 毕业饰物(特别是:Skidmore毕业生可以在 毕业典礼:黑色学士袍,黑色毕业帽,Skidmore学士帽和学士帽)
  • Hats, gloves, scarves, ties/bowties
  • Non-slip hangers or hangers with clips for hanging pants and skirts
Things we do NOT need as much at the moment:
  • Please do NOT donate household items (kitchen utensils, books, etc). Look for announcements 火博体育春季学期结束时为ways学生举办的年度Give and Go项目 can donate unwated items. 
交换柜是由许多校园合作伙伴支持和组织的,包括个人, clubs and groups, and offices and departments. Current partners include the Office of Sustainability, Campus Life & Engagement, Student Diversity Programs, Civic Engagement, Student Government Association, and the Office of the Dean of Students. Do you want to partner with the Exchange Closet and want your group listed here? Let us know! 
Frequently Asked Questions 

The clothes and food items are all free. There is no cost to access the Exchange Closet. Please do not take the hangers, racks, boxes, or mirrors.  Please only take what you 知道你会用,如果你不再需要这些东西,你可以把它们拿回来 and if they are still in good condition. 

Nope! There is no requirement to donate before taking items. And there is no requirement to take anything after donating. 

该资源主要是为火博体育学生设计的,并且是可访问的 to the Skidmore community. Though we continue to center students in the planning and implementation of this resource we don't want there to be any barriers to members of the wider Skidmore community (staff, faculty, families, community, and guests). We don't ask for identification from those using the Closet.  

我们的存储空间有限,分类和组织物品的时间也有限. 如果你绝对确定你所拥有的物品应该放在交换柜里 please email us first to be sure we can accommodate the donation. Not sure where else you can donate/recycle/repurpose your items? Check out resources from the Skidmore Sustainability Office and Sustainable Saratoga

为那些遇到障碍的学生提供衣服,以确认他们的身份 性别表达是创建“交换衣橱”的学生们的目标之一 at Skidmore. This goal continues to be a priority. The Closet is open to students 所有的性别和穿衣方式,但我们知道,有时它可以 对于跨性别、非二元和性别不一致的folx来说,获得衣服是一项挑战 for a variety of reasons. Students relying on family support to afford clothing may not be able to ask for clothes that work for them. Homophobia and transphobia can 也影响一个人获得就业和负担得起的住房,使免费和 low-cost resources an important option. Sometimes it's also just nice to pick out 你知道没有人会评判你的选择是否“合身” what they assume about your identity. 

衣橱的实施也减少了浪费,并给可行的商品一个新的生命 at Skidmore. 由于快时尚,服装的价格几十年来一直在下降 human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. Globally, we consume about 80 million pieces of new clothing every year. The average American generates about 82 pounds of textile waste each year. The Closet helps prevent unused clothes ,which are often in decent condition, from piling up in the landfills. For more information on sustainable living and working at Skidmore, check out resources from the Skidmore Sustainability Office. 


交换衣橱里有一面全长镜子,但它不是私人空间. There are single-stall restrooms directly downstairs from the Exchange Closet. Just 从自动取款机旁走楼梯或电梯下一层就到了走廊 behind the Post Office and right next to these restrooms. There are also multi-stall 洗手间和壁橱在同一层,沿着威科夫中心附近的走廊 以及威科夫中心的单隔间厕所,在中心开放时可以使用 for drop-in use. 

Yes! Just contact us (see contact information at the top of the page). 

交换柜仍然是火博体育支持的资源的一部分 & Engagement with a number of student groups and offices collaborating to make it a success.  As of Fall 2022 the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life is taking the lead on day to day organization but it continues to be a collaborative project. If 你或你的团队被排除在这场对话之外,我们深表歉意和鼓励 you to get in touch with us or one of our other partner groups. 

当ORSL监督日常组织时,你可以联系帕克·迪戈里, Director of Religious and Spiritual Life (Case 205, You can also bring concerns to other staff within Campus Life & Engagement or the Office of the Dean of Students. 

Send your question to (or add it to the feedback box in the Exchange Closet...once we have it set up).